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8:00 am St. Dominic ashes after Mass
12:05 pm at St. Francis of Assisi - Liturgy of the Word & Ashes
5:30 pm at St. Francis of Assisi - Mass with Ashes
Calendar of Events/Activities for St. Dominic’s & St. Francis of Assisi
St. Dominic - Stations of Cross after the 8:00AM Mass on Monday's through Lent.
St. Francis of Assisi - Stations of the Cross at 6:30PM on Friday's through Lent.
March 5-Ash Wednesday-8:00AM Mass with Ashes at St. Dominic's, 12:05PM Liturgy of the Word & Ashes at St. Francis, and 5:30PM Mass with Ashes.
March 6-MHCC Book Group Meeting at St. Francis parish hall 6:30-8:00PM.
March 8-Knights of Columbus Portuguese Dinner at St. Dominic. Contact St. Dominic for tickets or a member of the K of C.
March 11-Scripture Study Group Meeting at St. Francis parish hall noon-1:30PM.
March 13-MHCC Book Group Meeting at St. Francis parish hall 6:30-8:00PM.
March 15-St. Francis Family Life Ministry will be holding their annual Corned Beef Dinner at 5:30PM in the parish hall.
March 18-Scripture Study Group Meeting at St. Francis parish hall noon-1:30PM.
March 20-MHCC Book Group Meeting at St. Francis parish hall 6:30-8:00PM.
March 23-Lenten Confession and Adoration Day at St. Francis of Assisi from 1:30PM-7:00PM.
March 25-Scripture Study Group Meeting at St. Francis parish hall noon-1:30PM.
March 27-MHCC Book Group Meeting at St. Francis parish hall 6:30-8:00PM.
March 30-Lenten Taize Prayer Service at St. Francis of Assisi at 6:00PM. Come to enjoy an Ecumenical Service of Prayer, Song, and Contemplation by Candlelight.
April 1-Scripture Study Group Meeting at St. Francis parish hall noon-1:30PM.
April 6-Confirmation 2 (Gr. 9) Rehearsal
April 7- Confirmation will be conferred by Bishop Da Cunha at St. Francis of Assisi at 7:00PM.
April 8-Scripture Study Group Meeting at St. Francis parish hall noon-1:30PM.
April 8-Romeiros will be at St. Francis of Assisi at 6:15PM in their annual pilgrimage of the Diocese.
April 9-Romeiros will be at St. Dominic at 7:45AM in their annual pilgrimage of the Diocese.
April 13-St. Dominic - Children's Procession with Palms at the 9:30AM Mass.
April 21-MHCC Rectory Offices will be closed in observance of Patriots' Day.
April 26-St. Francis of Assisi 50 Week Club Banquet will be held at White's of Westport. More information coming soon.
August 24, 2021
We are pleased to introduce Father ThomaCostata to the Mt. Hope Catholic Community.
Father Tom grew up in nearbSeekonknk and lategradutateded from University of Hartford. After a career in business, he entered priestly formation and completed his Theological studies at Pope John the XXIII Seminary in Weston, MA. He was ordained on July 9, 2005. He served as Pastor of Annunciation of the Lord from 2012 to 2019 and has had assignments as Chaplain of BishoFeehanan High School as well aSOurur Lady of Lourdes School. Along with experience in Family Ministry, he also brings with him experience ministering as a Hospital Chaplain at Cape Cod Hospital. He arrives from thTauntonon Catholic North collaborative, where he served as Co-Pastor of St. Jude The Apostle, St. Anthony's, and St. Mary's since 2019.
He looks forward to meeting parishioners and getting to know the life of our parishes more closely. As he settles into his new role as Pastor, FatheCostata would like you to know that he will be praying for all of us. He asks that you in turn pray that the Holy Spirit guides his arrival so that this community continues to grow in the faith, hope and love of Jesus Christ.
Our parish community welcomes Fr. Tom, and we pray that the Holy Spirit will guide him and bless his time here with us.
Diocese of Fall River - Office of Safe Environment
Our Parish is committed to providing a safe place for all the faithful. Therefore, we follow a strict policy of The Essential Three for all who minister, work or volunteer in our parish. We ask for your cooperation and support. The safety of our community depends on all of us doing our part. Please visit the Diocesan Safe Environment page for morinforrmationon:
Diocese of Fall River - Protection of the Faithful
Diocesan Policy for the Protection of the Faithful July 2020
Diocesan Ministerial Review Board Policy July 2020